Breaking the Boundaries of Human-AI Relationships – With Dr. Stephen Rodwell

Welcome to The Lirone Glikman Show!
This show explores the Human Factor in business, marketing and communications in a hybrid world.

As #AI becomes more significant in our lives and startups, it’s time to dive deep and understand the AI-Human relationships. What does it mean in our work environment? What are the boundaries? How can it benefit us and our startup and where is the danger zone?

My guest on the show is Dr. Stephen Rodwell, Dean of the Higher Education Institute, Sydney, Australia, a researcher into Robotic Service, and a Corporate Speaker, who will discuss one of the hot topics to date.

Dr. Rodwell, holds a PhD, with his research area being ‘how customers relate to service robots’, an MBA, and multiple other qualifications in business and education. He is also a business administration educator with a passion for developing future leaders. He specializes in technology use within the business management realm, with an avid interest in how emerging technologies will impact interpersonal dynamics. He would describe himself as a cautiously optimistic futurist who transitioned from being a night club manager a couple of decades ago to an early riser who spends the fair chunk of each morning ruminating on how the latest technological developments will impact the business world.

Watch the interview and find out how to use the Human-AI relationships can impact our startups, business communication and life.

A few of the questions Dr. Stephen Rodwell answered were:
What is the future of human and AI interaction, and how might it change our society?
– What are the implications of AI for startup founders who are shaping the technology of the future?
– How can companies create a human-AI relationship that benefits both employees and the organization?

– How do you balance privacy concerns with the benefits of personalizing AI?
– What ethical considerations need to be taken into account when personalizing AI?

How to connect with Dr. Stephen Rodwell?
Connect on Linkedin – Stephen Rodwell

What is your main takeaway from this interview?
Leave your answer in the comment section below!

Thank you for joining us!

Lirone Glikman


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