Welcome to The Lirone Glikman Show!
This show focuses on the Human Factor in marketing and business development,
in a hybrid world.
It has been such a great pleasure interviewing Guy Franklin on The Lirone Glikman Show!
Guy Franklin, the founder & general partner at Israeli Mapped in NY Ventures, shared tips and insights on how startups can penetrate the US market in 2022.
Some of the questions Guy answered were:
- Can you share successful and unsuccessful case studies of startups that entered the US during the pandemic?
- When should a startup leave the video calls and travel to meet with investors/clients?
- How do the American corporation decision-maker, and (or) investors see Israeli startups nowadays?
- What are some of the main challenges that startups which expand to NY face?
- How to network during the pandemic?
and more…
What is your main takeaway from this interview?
Leave your answer in the comment section below!