How to Use LinkedIn to Network and Grow your Business

LinkedIn is an outstanding resource if you know how to use it right. Many of my clients try to understand how to make the most of it for their goals and business.  LinkedIn has so much to offer that it can really get you confused. I know I was….

The million-dollar question is how to use LinkedIn to get clients and increase revenue? I decided to share one of the tactics that provided me with results on LinkedIn and one of the many amazing business opportunity stories I got through it.

By using the exact tactic I’m about to share with you, I met Christina Nitschmann (founder of Savvy central radio) from NY on LinkedIn, and we became friends and supported each others’ business goals. She introduced me to Mary Joyce (the resources queen) from London who connected me to a third person who invited me to give a keynote speech in London last year! LinkedIn is an ocean of global business opportunities, and I want you to make the most of it!

These are my two cents for a winning LinkedIn profile:

Create a professional personal image

1) Present a full profile-
Our online image represents us 24/7 for everyone to see. It’s so important to make sure it represents your image, strengths, and experiences correctly. Here are a few important tips to help you craft a good LinkedIn profile:

Professional photo: Try to convey who you are, rather than posing in your photo.
Don’t choose your most recent awesome vacation photo – remember that it’s a professional platform,
not Facebook. And make sure that people can see your eyes – research shows it helps people connect to you even more.

* Write what you do: in the main profile section.

* Summary: This is where you can express your personality along with your business experience. Add a personal note- what you love doing, pets, family and more. Also, the style of your writing can show others what kind of person you are.
Bring your “voice” out in this part. It will help you show your uniqueness, and for others to connect to you and learn about you more.

* Complete your profile

* Ask others for recommendations

* Add more information in the following sections: education, volunteer,  interests, publications, languages,
honors & awards, projects, interests and more.

* Join groups in your field of expertise

Create exposure by sharing information of value:

2) Join groups
Make sure to choose groups where your audience/clients are, and that are big enough and have high rate of engagement. You can see some of those details when you run a search for groups. Also, take a look at your colleagues’ profiles and see which groups they are in. This might help you find the right groups for you to be a part of.

3) Engage – Join trending discussions and start discussions too. Become one of the ‘regulars’ in the right groups.
I would focus on a few main groups and make sure to engage there regularly.

4) Initiate – Publish articles, posts and images on your LinkedIn profile and in the groups. It can be a link to your blog or any other article that can add some value to others. Inspiring quotes or photos are always good, and many times drive engagement.

Create personal connections

5) Expand your network regularly.
It’s easier to make “new friends” with people that you’ve already had some type of interaction with:
A- people whose posts you’ve commented on / liked OR people that commented on / liked your posts
B- People who’ve viewed your profile.

Start a conversation, be kind and nice, mention the fact that you’ve had some type of interaction already,
and say you’ll be happy to connect and learn more about them and take it from there.

6) Maintain AUTHENTIC connections and build trusted friendships
After a few messages, ask to have a Skype call or meet in person. Connect personally first. A great way to do it is to pinpoint common ground from your personal and professional life. That way, you will both feel more familiar and connected.
For example- Christina Nitschmann and I connected first due to the fact we both flew airplanes and are radio presenters.
It really bonded us and was a great foundation to build our relationship and mutual respect upon.

After establishing this connection, you can:

– offer your services
– share who you are looking to meet as clients and such
 help those friends

After you’ve made a certain connection, the will to help each other will come up naturally.
Remember the key rule- We all like to help people we: know, like and trust. Relationships are created differently online than in face-to-face meetings, but it’s definitely possible to create trusted and flourishing relationships with people you never met that lead to business results! My view about it is being articulated amazingly in this quote- “Every stranger is a friend you haven’t met yet.” – William Butler Yeats.

Now share with me –

How do you create deals and attract clients through LinkedIn? What is your special tactic? Network your way to success!




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